
『悪魔の辞典』の「愛国心」への補注, およびウィキペディアへのリンク付与

補注「愛国心 / Patriotism」


愛国心 n. 燃えるゴミ。自分の名を燦然と輝かそうという野心家が持つ松明と解釈される。



Patriotism having become one of our topicks, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an apophthegm, at which many will start: 'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel[1035].' But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak for self-interest. I maintain, that certainly all patriots were not scoundrels. Being urged, (not by Johnson) to name one exception, I mentioned an eminent person[1036], whom we all greatly admired. JOHNSON. 'Sir, I do not say that he is not honest; but we have no reason to conclude from his political conduct that he is honest. Were he to accept of a place from this ministry, he would lose that character of firmness which he has, and might be turned out of his place in a year. This ministry is neither stable[1037], nor grateful to their friends, as Sir Robert Walpole was, so that he may think it more for his interest to take his chance of his party coming in.'

Life of Johnson, Volume 2 by James Boswell - Project Gutenberg から引用。

どうやら、愛国者はすべてダメだと言いたいわけではなくて、個人的な利益を隠して騙られる見せかけの愛国心 (pretended patriotism) にダメを出しているようです。最後あたりの自党の利益を云々というフレーズを見ながら、なんとも微妙な気持ちになったり。これ、200年以上前の文章なんですけどね……。

注釈を少し補っておきますと、[1036] の eminent person はエドマンド・バークだそうです。[1037] の「現政権」はノース卿(フレデリック・ノース)内閣。オレの頭の中ではノース卿と言えばアメリカ独立革命時のイギリスのトップですが、それより年代が前なのでそこは無関係と思われます。



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